
A step by step tutorial for installing and launching a denzel deployment.
For this tutorial we will train and deploy a Iris classifier, based on the Iris dataset.


Python 3 and docker are necessary for denzel.
Optionally, you can set up a virtualenv.
  1. Install docker, verify its installation by running

    $ docker --version
    Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
  2. Install docker-compose > 1.19.0, verify its installation by running

    $ docker-compose --version
    docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe
  3. User must be a part of the docker group (be able to run docker commands without sudo). Details on how to achieve that can be found in the official docs.

  4. (Optional) Install virtualenv and create one to work on.


If opting for virtualenv understand that the deployment will not be using this env - it will only be used to install denzel on it.
The deployment itself will use the interpreter and packages installed into the containers (more on this further down).


If you are using a virtualenv, make sure you have it active.
To install denzel, simply run
$ pip install denzel
After this command completes, you should have the denzel Command Line Interface (CLI) available.
Once available you can always call denzel --help for the help menu.

Toy Model

Before actually using denzel, we need a trained model saved locally.
If you already have one, you can skip this sub-section.

For this tutorial, we are going to use scikit-learn’s default SVM classifier and train it on the Iris dataset.
The following script downloads the dataset, trains a model and saves it to disk
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import pickle

# -------- Load data --------
IRIS_DATA_URL = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data"
IRIS_DATA_COLUMNS = ['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width', 'class']

iris_df = pd.read_csv(IRIS_DATA_URL,

# -------- Spit train and test --------
features, labels = iris_df.values[:, 0:4], iris_df.values[:, 4]

test_fraction = 0.2
train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(
    features, labels,

# -------- Train and evaluate --------
model = SVC()
model.fit(X=train_features, y=train_labels)

print(model.score(X=test_features, y=test_labels))
>> 0.9666666666666667

# -------- Save for later --------
SAVED_MODEL_PATH = '/home/creasy/saved_models/iris_svc.pkl'
with open(SAVED_MODEL_PATH, 'wb') as saved_file:
Great, we have a model trained to populate the deployment!

Starting a denzel Project

To start a project, you first have to run the command startproject, as a result denzel will build for you the following skeleton


Denzel supports GPU deployments. If you are going to run your deployment on a GPU, make sure you install nvidia-docker and use the --gpu flag.
$ denzel startproject iris_classifier
Successfully built iris_classifier project skeleton
$ cd iris_classifier
$ tree
|-- Dockerfile
|-- __init__.py
|-- app
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- assets
|   |   `-- info.txt  <-------------------------- Deployment information
|   |-- logic
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   `-- pipeline.py  <----------------------- Pipeline Methods
|   `-- tasks.py
|-- docker-compose.yml
|-- entrypoints
|   |-- api.sh
|   |-- denzel.sh
|   `-- monitor.sh
|-- logs
`-- requirements.txt  <-------------------------- Requirements
To make denzel fully operational, the only files we’ll ever edit are:
1. requirements.txt - Here we’ll store all the pip packages our system needs
2. app/assets/info.txt - Text file that contains deployment information about our model and system
3. app/logic/pipeline.py - Here we will edit the body of the Pipeline Methods

These steps, are exactly what this tutorial is all about.


A good practice will be to edit only the body of functions in pipeline.py and if you wish to add your own custom functions that will be called from within pipeline.py, you should put them on a separate file inside the app/logic directory and import them.


When we’ve built our toy model, we used scikit-learn so before anything we want to specify this requirement in the requirements.txt file.
Open your favorite file editor, and append scikit-learn, numpy and scipy as requirements - don’t forget to leave a blank line in the end.
Your requirements.txt should look like this
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
#                           USER GUIDE
# Remember this has to be a lightweight service;
# Keep that in mind when choosing which libraries to use.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
Take heed to the comment at the top of the file. Keep your system as lean as possible using light packages and operations in the pipeline methods.

Define Interface (API)

Our end users will need to know what is the JSON scheme our API accepts, so we will have to define what is the accepted JSON scheme for the /predict endpoint.
In our toy model, we have four features the model expects: ‘sepal-length’, ‘sepal-width’, ‘petal-length’ and ‘petal-width’.
denzel allows choosing whether your deployed app returns synchronous or asynchronous responses - in this tutorial we will opt for asynchronous responses.
Since we are going to return an async response, we also need to make sure we include a callback URI in the scheme - remove this field if choosing synchronous.
Finally we’ll want to support batching, so the following JSON scheme should suffice
    "callback_uri": <callback_uri>,  # Opt out if using synchronous responses
    "data": {<unique_id1>: {"sepal-length": <float>,
                            "sepal-width": <float>,
                            "petal-length": <float>,
                            "petal-width": <float>},
             <unique_id2>: {"sepal-length": <float>,
                            "sepal-width": <float>,
                            "petal-length": <float>,
                            "petal-width": <float>},
Also let’s include a documentation of this interface and the model version in our app/assets/info.txt file that will be available to the end user in the /info endpoint.
For example we might edit info.txt to something like this
# =====================  DEPLOYMENT  ======================

    ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗███████╗███████╗██╗
    ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║╚══███╔╝██╔════╝██║
    ██║  ██║█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║  ███╔╝ █████╗  ██║
    ██║  ██║██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║ ███╔╝  ██╔══╝  ██║
    ██████╔╝███████╗██║ ╚████║███████╗███████╗███████╗
    ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝

# ========================  MODEL  ========================

Model information:
    Version: 1.0.0
    Description: Iris classifier

For prediction, make a POST request for /predict matching the following scheme

    "callback_uri": "http://alonzo.trainingday.com/stash",
    "data": {<unique_id1>: {"sepal-length": <float>,
                            "sepal-width": <float>,
                            "petal-length": <float>,
                            "petal-width": <float>},
             <unique_id2>: {"sepal-length": <float>,
                            "sepal-width": <float>,
                            "petal-length": <float>,
                            "petal-width": <float>},
Looks great, now end users can see this info using GET requests!

Launch (partial project)

In an ideal scenario, we would launch a project only after we have completed all necessary tasks for a full deployment.
For guidance and simplicity sake of this tutorial, we will launch a partial project and complete tasks gradually.

What we have now is a skeleton, an editted info.txt and requirements.txt files and we can launch our API, without the functionality of the /predict endpoint (yet).
Inside project directory run:
$ denzel launch

Creating network "iris_classifier_default" with the default driver
Pulling redis (redis:4)...
4: Pulling from library/redis
802b00ed6f79: Pull complete
8b4a21f633de: Pull complete
92e244f8ff14: Pull complete
fbf4770cd9d6: Pull complete


By default denzel will occupy port 8000 for the API and port 5555 for monitoring. If one of them is taken, denzel will let you know and you can opt for other ports - for more info check the launch command documentation.

If this is the first time you launch a denzel project, the necessary docker images will be downloaded and built.
What is going on in the background is necessary for building the containers that will power the deployment.

If you are not really familiar with docker you can think of images like classes in programming, they define the structure of an object, and containers are like the instances.
In the context of docker the objects the images define are actually virtual machines and the containers we create from them is where our code will run on.

This whole process might take a few minutes, so sit back and enjoy an Oscar winning performance by the man himself.
Once done if everything went right you should see the end of the output looking like this:
Starting redis   ... done
Starting api     ... done
Starting denzel  ... done
Starting monitor ... done
This indicates that all the containers (services) were created and are up.
Once they are up the services will start installing the packages we specified in requirements.txt, you can view the status of the services by using the status command, optionally with the --live flag.
If you would run it right away you’d expect to see:
$ denzel status
    denzel - PIP INSTALLING...
    monitor - PIP INSTALLING...
    api - PIP INSTALLING...
    redis - UP
When all the installing is done and everything is ready, you’ll see all the statuses change to UP with an additional line Worker: worker@iris_classifier - UP indicating the worker is ready.
If you want to see the messages printed out throughout the installation, you can use the logs command.
At any time during the lifetime of your project, if you want to add more pip packages, just insert them to the requirements.txt file and use the updatereqs command.


Using the denzel status --live command is a great way to monitor the system. When conducting installations and loading it is a great way to get a high level live view of the system.
For lower level view, examining the outputs of the containers, use the live view of the logs using denzel logs --live.
For sanity check, assuming you have deployed locally, open your favorite browser and go to http://localhost:8000/info . You should see the contents of info.txt (assuming all services are up).
At any time, you can stop all services using the stop command and start them again with the start command.
From this moment forward we shouldn’t use the launch command as a project can and needs to be launched once.
If for any reason you wish to relaunch a project (for changing ports for example) you’d have to first shutdown and then launch again.

Opt for Asynchronicity (optional)

In this tutorial, we will use asynchronous responses.
If you skip this step and keep following the tutorial you will get the exact same result but with synchronous responses.
To enable asynchronous responses, use the response command line call. There is no need to restart when changing the response manner.
$ denzel response --async


You can always go back to synchronous responses, for example for synchronous responses with 5 seconds timeout, call denzel response --sync --timeout 5.0.
Now denzel will make sure responses are returned back to the callback_uri.

Pipeline Methods

Now is the time to fill the body of the pipeline methods. They are all stored inside app/logic/pipeline.py.
Open this file in your favorite IDE as we will go through the implementation of these methods.


When a user makes a request, the first pipeline method that the request will meet is verify_input.
The verify_input method is responsible for making sure the JSON data received matches the interface we defined.
In order to do that, lets edit the verify_input method to do just that:
FEATURES = ['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width']

def verify_input(json_data):
    Verifies the validity of an API request content

    :param json_data: Parsed JSON accepted from API call
    :type json_data: dict
    :return: Data for the the process function

    # callback_uri is needed to sent the responses to, DELETE this if block for synchronous responses
    if 'callback_uri' not in json_data:
        raise ValueError('callback_uri not supplied')

    # Verify data was sent
    if 'data' not in json_data:
        raise ValueError('no data to predict for!')

    # Verify data structure
    if not isinstance(json_data['data'], dict):
        raise ValueError('jsondata["data"] must be a mapping between unique id and features')

    # Verify data scheme
    for unique_id, features in json_data['data'].items():
        feature_names = features.keys()
        feature_values = features.values()

        # Verify all features needed were sent
        if not all([feature in feature_names for feature in FEATURES]):
            raise ValueError('For each example all of the features [{}] must be present'.format(FEATURES))

        # Verify all features that were sent are floats
        if not all([isinstance(value, float) for value in feature_values]):
            raise ValueError('All feature values must be floats')

    return json_data
In the verification process implementation, you may throw any object that inherits from Exception and the message attached to it will be sent back to the user in case he tackles that exception.


For JSON scheme verification, you can consider using the jsonschema library.


load_model is the method responsible for loading our saved model into memory and will keep it there as long as the worker lives.
This method is called when denzel starts up and is called only once - unlike verify_input, process and predict which are called one time per request.
So our model will be accessible for reading, we must copy it into the project directory, preferably to app/assets. Once copied there, the assets directory should be as follows:
$ cd app/assets/
$ ls -l

total 8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 creasy creasy 1623 Sep 14 14:35 info.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 creasy creasy 3552 Sep 14 08:55 iris_svc.pkl
Now if we’ll look at app/logic/pipeline.py we will find the skeleton of load_model.
Edit it so it loads the model and returns it, it should look something like:
import pickle


def load_model():
    Load model and its assets to memory
    :return: Model, will be used by the predict and process functions
    with open('./app/assets/iris_svc.pkl', 'rb') as model_file:
        loaded_model = pickle.load(model_file)

    return loaded_model


When using paths on code which is executed inside the containers (like the pipeline methods) the current directory is always the project main directory (where the requirements.txt is stored). Hence the saved model prefix above is ./app/assets/....
When we edit the pipeline methods, the changes do not take effect until we restart the services.
As we just edited a pipeline method, we should run the restart command so the changes apply.
Navigate back into the project main directory and run denzel restart and after the services have restarted the changes will take effect.
To verify all went well you can examine the logs by running the logs command - if anything went wrong we will see it there (more about that in Debugging).


When loading heavy models (unlike the tutorial classifier) that take long time to be read, you might want to wait for it to load before making any requests.
To do that, you should watch the output of the status command and check if your worker is ready, optionally with the --live flag. If your model is indeed taking much time to load, the output should like like follows:
$ denzel status

    denzel - UP
    monitor - UP
    api - UP
    redis - UP
Worker: all - LOADING...
This means all the services are up, but API endpoints (as well as monitoring) are not available yet as the worker is still loading.


The output of the verify_input and load_model methods are the input to the process method.
The model object itself is not always necessary, but it is there if you want to have some kind of loaded resource available for the processing, in this tutorial we won’t use the model in this method.

Now we are in possession of the JSON data, and we are already sure it has all the necessary data for making predictions.
Our model though, does not accept JSON, it expects four floats as input, so in this method we will turn the JSON data into model-ready data.
For our use case, we should edit the function to look as follows:
import numpy as np

def process(model, json_data):
    Process the json_data passed from verify_input to model ready data

    :param model: Loaded object from load_model function
    :param json_data: Data from the verify_input function
    :return: Model ready data

    # Gather unique IDs
    ids = json_data['data'].keys()

    # Gather feature values and make sure they are in the right order
    data = []
    for features in json_data['data'].values():
        data.append([features[FEATURES[0]], features[FEATURES[1]], features[FEATURES[2]], features[FEATURES[3]]])

    data = np.array(data)
    data = [[float, float, float, float],
            [float, float, float, float]]

    return ids, data


The output of process and load_model are the input to the predict method.
The final part of a request lifecycle is the actual prediction that will be sent back as response.
In our example in order to do that we would edit the method to look as follows:
def predict(model, data):
    Predicts and prepares the answer for the API-caller

    :param model: Loaded object from load_model function
    :param data: Data from process function
    :return: Response to API-caller
    :rtype: dict

    # Unpack the outputs of process function
    ids, data = data

    # Predict
    predictions = model.predict(data)

    # Pack the IDs supplied by the end user and their corresponding predictions in a dictionary
    response = dict(zip(ids, predictions))

    return response


The returned value of the predict function must be a dictionary and all of its contents must be JSON serializable. This is necessary because denzel will parse it into JSON to be sent back to the end user.

And… That’s it! Denzel is ready to be fully operational.
Don’t forget, after all these changes we must run denzel restart so they will take effect.
For reference, the full pipeline.py file should look like this
import pickle
import numpy as np

FEATURES = ['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width']

# -------- Handled by api container --------
def verify_input(json_data):
    Verifies the validity of an API request content

    :param json_data: Parsed JSON accepted from API call
    :type json_data: dict
    :return: Data for the the process function

    # callback_uri is needed to sent the responses to, DELETE this if block for synchronous responses
    if 'callback_uri' not in json_data:
        raise ValueError('callback_uri not supplied')

    # Verify data was sent
    if 'data' not in json_data:
        raise ValueError('no data to predict for!')

    # Verify data structure
    if not isinstance(json_data['data'], dict):
        raise ValueError('jsondata["data"] must be a mapping between unique id and features')

    # Verify data scheme
    for unique_id, features in json_data['data'].items():
        feature_names = features.keys()
        feature_values = features.values()

        # Verify all features needed were sent
        if not all([feature in feature_names for feature in FEATURES]):
            raise ValueError('For each example all of the features [{}] must be present'.format(FEATURES))

        # Verify all features that were sent are floats
        if not all([isinstance(value, float) for value in feature_values]):
            raise ValueError('All feature values must be floats')

    return json_data

# -------- Handled by denzel container --------
def load_model():
    Load model and its assets to memory

    :return: Model, will be used by the predict and process functions
    with open('./app/assets/iris_svc.pkl', 'rb') as model_file:
        loaded_model = pickle.load(model_file)

    return loaded_model

def process(model, json_data):
    Process the json_data passed from verify_input to model ready data

    :param model: Loaded object from load_model function
    :param json_data: Data from the verify_input function
    :return: Model ready data

    # Gather unique IDs
    ids = json_data['data'].keys()

    # Gather feature values and make sure they are in the right order
    data = []
    for features in json_data['data'].values():
        data.append([features[FEATURES[0]], features[FEATURES[1]], features[FEATURES[2]], features[FEATURES[3]]])

    data = np.array(data)

    return ids, data

def predict(model, data):
    Predicts and prepares the answer for the API-caller

    :param model: Loaded object from load_model function
    :param data: Data from process function
    :return: Response to API-caller
    :rtype: dict

    # Unpack the outputs of process function
    ids, data = data

    # Predict
    predictions = model.predict(data)

    # Pack the IDs supplied by the end user and their corresponding predictions in a dictionary
    response = dict(zip(ids, predictions))

    return response

Using the API to Predict

Now is the time to put denzel into action.
Since we opted for asynchronous responses, we must first have some URI to receive the responses (you can skip the callback URI part if using synchronous responses).
You can do that by using waithook which is an in browser service for receiving HTTP requests, just what we need - just follow the link, choose a “Path Prefix” (for example john_q) and press “Subscribe”.
Use the link that will be generated for you (http://waithook.com/<chosen_path_prefix>) and keep the browser open as we will receive the responses to the output window.
Next we need to make an actual POST request to the /predict endpoint. We will do that using curl through the command line.


There are more intuitive ways to create HTTP requests than curl. For creating requests through UI you can either use Postman, or through Python using the requests package.
Let’s launch a predict request, for two examples from the test set:
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
> --request POST \
> --data '{"callback_uri": "http://waithook.com/john_q",'\
> '"data": {"a123": {"sepal-length": 4.6, "sepal-width": 3.6, "petal-length": 1.0, "petal-width": 0.2},'\
> '"b456": {"sepal-length": 6.5, "sepal-width": 3.2, "petal-length": 5.1, "petal-width": 2.0}}}' \
import requests

data = {
  "callback_uri": "http://waithook.com/john_q",
  "data": {"a123": {"sepal-length": 4.6, "sepal-width": 3.6, "petal-length": 1.0, "petal-width": 0.2},
           "b456": {"sepal-length": 6.5, "sepal-width": 3.2, "petal-length": 5.1, "petal-width": 2.0}}

response = requests.post('http://localhost:8000/predict', json=data)
If the request has passed the verify_input method, depending on which response manner you chose (sync/async) there are two possible scenarios.
On the synchronous scenario, you would simply get the predictions and this is where the flow ends.
On the asynchronous scenario, you should immediately get a response that looks something like (on curl, you’d see it in your prompt, with requests you’ll have it in response.json()):
This means that the task has passed verification successfully, already entered the task queue and will next go through process and predict.
At any time, you can view the task status by sending a GET request to the /status/{task_id} endpoint.
If you examine waithook in your browser, you will see that a response was already sent back with the prediction, it should looks something like:
  "method": "POST",
  "url": "/john_q",
  "headers": {
    "User-Agent": "python-requests/2.19.1",
    "Connection": "close",
    "X-Forwarded-Proto": "http",
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
    "Content-Length": "49",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Host": "waithook.com",
    "X-Forwarded-for": ""
  "body": "{\"a123\": \"Iris-setosa\", \"b456\": \"Iris-virginica\"}"
In the "body" section, you can see the returned predictions.
If you got this response it means that all went well and your deployment is fully ready.


Denzel comes with a built in UI for monitoring the tasks and workers.
To use it, once the system is up go to the monitor port (defaults to 5555) on the deployment domain. If deployed locally open your browser and go to http://localhost:5555
You will be presented with a UI that looks something like:

Example of Flower’s monitoring UI

This dashboard is generated by Flower, and gives you access to examine the worker status, tasks status, tasks time and more.


Life is not all tutorials and sometime things go wrong.
Debugging exceptions is dependent of where the exception is originated at.

verify_input Exceptions

This method is executed in the API container. If anything goes wrong in this method you will get it as an immediate response to your /predict POST request.
For example, lets say we make the same POST request as we did before, but we opt out one of the features in the data.
Given the code we supplied verify_input we should get the following response
 "title": "Bad input format",
 "description": "For each example all of the features [['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width']] must be present"

load_model Exceptions

If anything went wrong with the load_model method, you will only able to see the traceback and exception on the logs.
Specifically, the denzel service log is where the model is loaded. In this case the exception can be found through the logs (to isoltate the relevant container, pass the --service denzel option) or logworker command.
Check them both as the location of the exception is dependent on its type.

process & predict Exceptions

If something went wrong in these methods, it necessarily means you made a successful request and passed the verify_input method and have received a "SUCCESS" status to your response with a task ID.
process and predict both get executed on the denzel container. If anything goes wrong inside of them it will be most likely only visible when querying for task status.
For example, if we would forget to import numpy as np even though it is in use in the process method - we will get a "SUCCESS" response for our POST (because we passed the verify_input method).
But the task will fail after entering the process method - to see the reason, we should query the /status/{task_id} and we would see the following:
 "status": "FAILURE",
 "result": {"args":["name 'np' is not defined"]}


Since denzel is fully containerized it should work on any machine as long as it has docker, docker-compose and Python3 installed.
Also all of the main cloud service providers already support dockerized appications.

After completing all the necessary implementations for deployment covered in this tutorial it is best to check that the system can be launched from scratch.
To do that, we should shutdown while purging all images, and relaunch the project - don’t worry no code is being deleted during shutdown. This process it to make sure that when we deploy it somewhere else, it will work.
Go to the main project directory and run the following:
$ denzel shutdown --purge

Stopping iris_classifier_denzel_1  ... done
Stopping iris_classifier_monitor_1 ... done
Stopping iris_classifier_api_1     ... done
Stopping iris_classifier_redis_1   ... done
Removing iris_classifier_denzel_1  ... done
Removing iris_classifier_monitor_1 ... done
Removing iris_classifier_api_1     ... done
Removing iris_classifier_redis_1   ... done
Removing network iris_classifier_default
Removing image redis:4
Removing image denzel:1.0.0
Removing image denzel:1.0.0
ERROR: Failed to remove image for service denzel:1.0.0: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: denzel:1.0.0")
Removing image denzel
ERROR: Failed to remove image for service denzel:1.0.0: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: denzel:1.0.0")

$ denzel launch
Creating network "iris_classifier_default" with the default driver
Pulling redis (redis:4)...
4: Pulling from library/redis


The “ERROR: Failed to remove….” can be safely ignored. This is a result of the --purge flag that tells denzel to remove the denzel image.
Since the image is used by three different containers, it will successfully delete it on the first container but fail on the other two.
After the relaunching is done check again that all endpoints are functioning as expected - just to make sure.
If all is well your system is ready to be deployed wherever, on a local machine, a remote server or a docker supporting cloud service.
To deploy it elsewhere simply copy all the contents of the project directory to the desired destination, verify docker, docker-compose and Python3 are installed, install denzel and call denzel launch from within that directory.
As a matter of fact, we can skip the installing denzel part when we deploy - more about that in the Production section.


Denzel is essentially a docker-compose application, with an accompanying CLI tool to abstract docker and OS related functionality from the data scientist developing the application.
This means that if you are going to deploy your application on a docker-supporting cloud service, or deliver it to a production developer the denzel package is no longer mandatory.
Because the contents of the project directory already include the docker-compose.yml, the Dockerfile and all the code needed to run and manage the application - Any service or person that can deal with docker will be able to do so.
Denzel is built that way so that going into production, more advanced docker management tools (like Kubernetes) can be used to apply more advanced production techniques like continuous deployment and scaling.

Denzel takes you from a model, to a containerized and deployable application in a data scientist oriented way - once you have that, the options are endless.


Deleting a denzel project is very simple.
To do so we must call the shutdown command, to remove all of the containers. Optionally we could pass the --purge flag to remove the underlying images.
Then delete the project directory and the denzel project is fully removed.